ATZ Launches a Global Telethon to Provide Humanitarian Support for Amhara Victims of Displacement and Forced Migration

August 9, 2023, Washington DC – We are thrilled to unveil a pivotal initiative designed to rally global humanitarian support for the Amhara people who have been victimized by the ongoing war. Amhara Tinsaie ZeEthiopia, Inc. (ATZ) proudly presents the “Worldwide Online Telethons” with a determined goal to raise $5 million.

ATZ is stepping up in response to the pressing need for assistance as the Amhara community grapples with human rights atrocities and displacements perpetrated by the Ethiopian federal government. Aiming to raise crucial funds and bolster global awareness, our campaign will harness the vast influence of major social media networks. This online fundraising event promises an engaging telethon format with appearances from ATZ representatives, renowned artists, social media personalities, live musical performances, poetry readings, and impactful orations.

Initiating today, the campaign will peak with a grand telethon event over the Labor Day weekend (Friday, September 1 – Monday, September 4, 2023). Consistent progress reports will maintain the enthusiasm, driving sustained backing.

Prepare for a riveting live telethon event broadcast across numerous social media channels. Foresee cameo appearances by ATZ representatives, popular social media figures, and artists endorsing our mission. Rich content, ranging from live musical acts, touching poetry readings, to powerful talks will shed light on the aspirations and hurdles faced by the Amhara community.

Guiding this impressive initiative is ATZ’s Support Task Force, a group of devoted volunteers responsible for orchestrating campaign operations, fundraising strategies, promotional activities, and collaborations with artists, influencers, and media representatives.

Our bedrock is transparency. ATZ pledges to provide clear and open reports on fund usage, consistently updating donors on the tangible results of their generosity.

By leveraging our telethon event and partnerships with artists, influencers, and media outlets, we aim to gather funds, heighten awareness, and foster community engagement in furtherance of ATZ’s mission. Rest assured, every donation catalyzes substantial change.

We invite individuals from all backgrounds who resonate with ATZ’s principles to be part of this significant campaign — be it by purchasing tickets, volunteering, or rallying peers. We’ve simplified donation methods through Eventbrite, Zelle, Donorbox, $Cashapp, and Paypal for an effortless giving experience.

Acquire your telethon event tickets now at:

Direct contributions can also be channeled through:

Zelle: 703 213 6792 (Amhara Tinsaie)
Paypal: Amhara Tinsaie
$CashApp: Amhara Tinsaie

Banking Details (for wire transfers):
Bank of America, NA 222 Broadway New York, New York 10038, USA
Name: Amhara Tinsaie ZeEthiopia, Inc.
Account No. 435 057 631 547
Routing No. 026009593

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